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Traditional Japanese Reiki

"Reiki is the light that guides us back to our true essence, the gentle embrace that heals both body and spirit, and the universal language of love that connects us all." - Unknown 

60 minutes  |  $60

Location: Sutherland Shire in Sydney (address revealed upon booking)


​Reiki works through the process of entrainment which refers to a phenomenon that leads to the synchronization of energies. Similar to the concept of resonance, Reiki's strong, higher vibrational energy field influences and harmonizes weaker, lower vibrational energy fields within the recipient. This process balances and aligns the lower energy fields, promoting healing and restoring harmony. For a deeper dive into the fascinating mechanics of Reiki, explore the 'Scientific Explanation' section below.


♡ Increased Energy Levels: Replenish and rebalance your body’s energy system

♡ Stress Reduction: Experience profound relaxation as stress and tension melt away, promoting serenity

♡ Releases Blockages: Free yourself from emotional and energetic blockages, fostering healing and inner peace

♡ Clears the Mind: Achieve a centered, grounded presence with a clear and focused mind

♡ Inner Wisdom Connection: Deepen your connection to your inner wisdom and intuition

♡ Energy Harmony: Balance and harmonize your body’s energy system, enhancing overall wellbeing

♡ Enhanced Healing: Support your body’s natural healing process


During your session, you will recline on a massage table and surrender to relaxation as the practitioner channels the Reiki life force energy. This serene experience is entirely passive for you, often resulting in sensations of warmth, profound relaxation, and a deep sense of peace as the healing energy of Reiki flows through you.


All cells within the body contain liquid crystals that are housed within cell membranes and in the myelin sheaths of nerves among other locations. These crystals produce a piezoelectric effect when pressure is placed on them showing that they are continuously generating electric currents. These electric currents generate magnetic fields (biomagnetic fields) which can be measured through a SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) (i.e. it was found the heart has a biomagnetic field measuring 15 feet). The sum total of all these fields form an aggregate field similar to what is known as the aura that surrounds the body. 

Each biomagnetic field pulsates at various frequencies and interacts with one another. For instance, an organ will have one specific frequency when healthy and another when it is not. This means that when a person is sick, their cells will have biomagnetic frequencies not in the healthy range for those cells or organs. Herbert Frohlich explains this process in relation to disease “an assembly of cells will have certain collective frequencies that regulate important processes. Normally these control frequencies will be stable. If for some reason cells shift in its frequency, entraining signals from neighboring cells will reinstall the correct frequency. However, if a sufficient number of cells gets out of step, the strength of the system's collective vibrations can decrease to a point where stability is lost. Loss of coherence leads to disease or disorder”. This concurs with the concept that illness starts first in the biomagnetic field before developing in the physical body. 

Using a magnetometer Reiki practitioners hands were found to have a field strength of 0.002 gauss which is 1000 x stronger than any other field emitted from the body and puslated at a variable frequency between 0.3 and 30 Hz. Due to this, when a Reiki healer places their hands on the body, the biomagnetic field emitted from the hands becomes stronger than what is emitted by the sick organ or cells. 

The frequency of the biomagnetic field of the healer's hands also begins pulsating at the healthy frequency required by the organ or cells. Due to the process of entrainment and resonance, as the healer's biomagnetic field is stronger than the sick organ it induces the healthy frequencies into that area causing the unhealthy cells / organs to adjust their frequency back into the healthy range allowing healing to take place. 

Healing frequencies of various tissues have been researched, a few of which are noted below: Nerves heal at 2 Hz, bones 7 Hz, ligaments 10 Hz and capillaries at 15 Hz (all healing within the measured frequency emitted by healers hands).

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