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Sisterhood in a Past Life

A journey through time-space reconnected Josh* with his long lost sisters

Josh* was deep in the release stage of the process, his mind drifting into the realm of past lives and forgotten memories. As he focused on his breathing, he suddenly felt a wave of heat rushing to his ears. After I gently probed into this sensation, he found himself surrounded by a circle of women in vibrant African attire, their smiles warm and welcoming.

At first, he was confused. Why was he seeing these women? Who were they? But as he looked into their eyes, a sense of recognition washed over him. These women were his sisters, his tribe, his family in a past life. He could feel a connection to them that transcended time and space.

Through further prompting Josh* delved deeper into this memory and felt a sense of oneness with the women around him. They radiated acceptance, love, and understanding. It was as if they were enveloping him in a blanket of unconditional love, wrapping him in their warmth and presence.

I couldn't help but wonder if these women truly here his sisters from another life or if they were deceiving both of us. To test their love, we asked them a series of questions and to our relief they did indeed pass the test of unconditional love proving beyond any doubt that their love was true.

As we questioned them further about their purpose in appearing in this memory, the women only shook their heads and smiled at Josh* stating they were his guides, sent to remind him of the love they shared in past lives. And although they had no specific task to accomplish, they promised to watch over him and guide him in his current life.

Feeling a sense of peace and contentment, we asked if they needed help finding their way back to the light. The women simply laughed and assured us that they knew the way, disappearing into the glowing distance without a backward glance.

Josh* left the Crystal Dreaming session with the memory of his sisters lingering like a sweet melody in his heart. He knew that their love would always be with him, a beacon of light in times of darkness and doubt. As he returned to the present moment, he carried with him a renewed sense of purpose and connection, grateful for the bond that had transcended lifetimes.

*name changed for client confidentiality

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