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A Release of Loneliness

Loneliness stored at the cellular level was released in the most unexpected way for Mike*

During the scanning phase of the session, Mike* felt a chill creeping into his fingers, a sensation as if they were slowly thawing from a long, icy slumber. His surroundings began to take shape as he journeyed deeper into his sub-consciousness.

"I see a beach, a sunset with dark clouds and I'm on a deck", he described as his voice tingled with uncertainty. "How do you feel being there?" I probed gently. "Isolated.... lonely" he murmured, the weight of these emotions evident in his words.

As his guide, I led him through the process of releasing the long-held emotion of loneliness that had nestled within his body for years. With each breath, he let go of the burden, breaths of uncertainty turning into sighs of relief.

The next destination in our session was the waterfall, where Mike* had a chance to connect with his spiritual team and other unconditionally loving beings or energies. During this phase, he found himself surrounded by a serene forest where he was sitting on a rock.

After inviting a member from his team to be with us, a figure shimmered into view - his guardian who visited in the form of his beloved wife. Mike* was able to converse with his guardian, who passed the test of unconditional love and began soaking in the wisdom and love that flowed freely between the two.

After the session, Mike* sat in deep contemplation, his heart feeling lighter and spirit lifted. The release of loneliness had opened a new chapter in his life, filled with the guidance and love of his spiritual team.

Mike* left the Crystal Dreaming session with a renewed sense of purpose and a treasure trove of messages to carry him forward.

*name changed for client confidentiality

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